BLOC-X: OTC commodity trading platform. From design, through MVP, to the full-scale trading solution.

12 months
January 2019
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BLOC-X: OTC commodity trading platform


BLOCX is an independent provider of electronic trading software for the OTC Oil Block Futures market. The innovative trading platform created by BLOC-X with our team is an innovative solution that is transforming the way the financial oil markets are transacted. 

Business challenge

The BLOC-X team had a concept to disrupt the market with a modern SaaS platform. A fast MVP version was required to demonstrate the concept’s viability to key oil trading market makers and investors. Thus, they contracted our custom fintech software development services to bring their vision to life. Working closely together, we swiftly delivered a demo version that facilitated fundraising and secured the first few contracts with potential corporate clients. This success assured funding for the future development of the MVP into a final scalable, fully compliant trading platform.

Business solution

After BLOC-X received an investment, a quick scale-up to a full, production-ready solution became necessary to maintain the momentum and ensure that all security and trading-related compliance requirements were met. At Pragmatic Coders, specializing in the development of custom trading platforms, we were once again up to the task.

The first version was implemented with great care for UI/UX and the ability for traders to put in offers and make trades. The MVP provided users with a taste of the system overall, but a limited set of features. Based on their feedback and the collected data, we developed the final solution and tuned up the product idea.

Product and main features

  • Product design: A fast-track UI/UX design for the MVP purpose.
  • MVP: The first operational product enabling the client to secure funding for development.
  • Scaling: Additional trade processing and user compliance features.

It’s very notable that they were able to kind of challenge our views on how we should build trading software. (...) Also, the relationship that exists between their product owner and their development team is extremely good. If I were to start BLOC-X again, I would make the same choice in choosing Pragmatic Coders.

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Wojciech Kniżewski

Senior Business Consultant

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